This is a horribly grim grey scene for late April. The natural world is still in hibernation - no leaves on any tree on the first of May (tomorrow)! Doesn't excuse the farmer/smallholder/gardener from carrying on as though everything is bright and vigorous. Here are a bunch of fencing volunteers (not wwoofers) deep in consultation about a straining post for the new pig paddocks. Along with the hay meadows, the pigs will be a cornerstone of the locally-sustainable farm. They will plough, fertilize, eat, feed other stock, and be eaten. Or that's the plan . . . . .
Meanwhile work begins on replenishing the wood store. Simon is sawing up big hazel branches cut from the lane hedges by last winter's hedge-layers; they're going to the back of the store, on the side that's to be started first of the new wood. Hopefully, in late October rather than early September. The stack on the left is what's left of last winter's wood; it will be in fine nick ready for cooler late-summer evenings.
The Esse wood-burning cooker I had delivered last July still isn't working properly. A bit of hair-tearing going on.
Work finally starts on resuscitating the veg garden after summer of 2012's growing disaster - good work, Agric, thank you. I sowed carrots three times and harvested a handful. Even the weeds sulked and wouldn't come up to be composted. I blame lack of light as much as surplus soil-water; it's a lovely day here so let's hope there's lots more to come! (Could do with rain in between - just a little - to keep the soil crumbly and delicious.) You can see the pig paddock fencing in the middle. Handy for throwing veg over to piggies; not so good if they learn to climb it, or dig under the (double strand of) barbed wire.
But at least the greenhouse is coming on this year. This is (top to bottom, left to right) chillis: cardoons: tomatoes: celery: celeriac: tomatoes. There are another 34 toms in pots, as well as the 3 dozen in the tray. At the moment the forecast suggests a drought coming. Well, as long as we have sunshine with it, I'm happy!